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Vote by mail

Ready to Vote?

You can vote by mail, use a vote by mail ballot drop box or return your ballot in person. And get the details about the propositions at

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HGNNC Remembers Betty Hawkins

Betty Hawkins passed away on September 8, 2020 and at our Board Meeting on that same day, we held a moment of silence to honor her and her service to our community. She had served on our Board since we were certified in 2002 and had been involved with the Neighborhood Watch for many, many years. She made so many 311 calls that many of the operators knew her by name. She always said she wanted to go out “with her boots on” and so she did.
Rest in peace Betty!

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Attic Insulation Rebate Program

LADWP has a new way to reduce your energy use and costs.
Do you know that most homes built before 1980 have no attic insulation? Your cooling and heating are escaping out of your house, costing you money. Just like a hat can help to keep your head warm or cool, attic insulation can help your home keep cool air in during the summer or warm air in during the winter.

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