Harbor Gateway North Takes Position on Prologis Warehouse
Harbor Gateway North Neighborhood Council (HGNNC) has taken the position that “the Mitigated Negative Declaration is completely inadequate and incomplete and that the over-all proposed Project is incompatible and objectionable in many respects with the location and existing uses.” HGNNC takes this position after extensive review of the proposal and with advice from technical experts. HGNNC cites the major impacts of noise from the large trucks driving in and out of the warehouse facility at night, if 24-hour operation is granted, air pollution impacts to nearby residences, outdoor sports fields, other sensitive uses from more than 338 daily diesel truck trips along Redondo Beach Blvd. from the I-110 freeway, and traffic impacts to all of the intersections along Redondo Beach Blvd. Because the environmental review of the Mitigated Negative Declaration was so superficial and inadequate, the Council seeks a full Environmental Impact Report be completed which would consider alternative to the current project, such as a smaller warehouse project with re-oriented siting which would not so severely impact the outdoor sports fields of Rosecrans Recreation Center, a commercial use similar to the nearby Gateway Crossroads Center, 200 units of affordable housing with public park space, and using the full site as public park space. On January 17, the Harbor Gateway North Neighborhood Council Board voted 11-0-0 to approve a position letter regarding the 466, 402 square foot, 54-foot tall warehouse which is proposed to be built at 747-761 W. Redondo Beach Blvd., the northeast corner of Redondo Beach Blvd. and Vermont Avenue on a currently vacant lot.