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Join a Committee – Appointments Made July 11

The HGNNC Board will be appointing members to the Standing Committees and Community Impact Statement filers on Tuesday, July 11 during the next Board meeting.

To indicate your interest in being appointed, send an email with the Committee(s) you are interested in to by Friday, July 7. Please be prepared to be present at the Tues. July 11 Board meeting to give a one-minute presentation on your interest/relevant background for the Committee position(s).

Committees shall have no more than nine members, with at least two of those members being Board members. No more than four Board members can be appointed to any one Committee.  Non-Board members shall be HGNNC stakeholders.

Community Interest Filers must be Board members.

Standing Committees:

Bylaws – review/update the HGNNC Bylaws and Standing Rules for presentation to the full Board and further review by the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment.

Executive – Is composed of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer and meets to review overall goals and plans of the Neighborhood Council

Finance – helps to create the fiscal year budget and update it, reviews monthly expenditures, and reviews and recommends approval of Neighborhood Purposes Grants and proposed events to the full Board.

Homeless Issues – assesses the current homeless situation in the HGNNC, hears from service providers, and recommends resources/solutions

Outreach/Communications – plans HGNNC outreach events and various methods of publicity for events and the Neighborhood Council in general, including website and social media

Planning and Land Use – reviews proposed development projects which require additional City hearings/approvals that are located within the HGNNC, evaluates Citywide planning and land use policies and statewide policies which will impact planning and land use, including Community Plan updates, and provides recommendations to the full Board. May meet monthly. Each member must complete a two-hour training to be eligible to vote.

Public Safety/Emergency Preparedness – discusses LAPD services, preparedness for major emergencies, and traffic issues relating to vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and street calming measures

Youth Issues – discusses issues related to those under 18 years of age living in or going to school within the HGNNC boundaries, works on developing close relationships with schools and other youth services within the HGNNC, and recommends youth-related projects and initiatives to the full Board

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