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HGNNC Requests Detailed EIR on Prologis

Prologis Warehouse

At our March 10, 2020 Board Meeting we voted to send a letter to City Planning regarding scoping elements to be considered in the Environmental Impact Report to be developed for the proposed Prologis project at Vermont and Redondo, 747-861 W. Redondo Beach Blvd.

The project is planned as a 53 foot tall, 340,298 square foot warehouse and distribution center with an office mezzanine, 219 parking spaces, 36 dock high truck loading positions and parking for up to 71 trailers, operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We suggested alternatives to compare the impacts and identified a detailed list of environmental categories for analysis including:

  • Aesthetics
  • Air Quality
  • Cultural Resources
  • Geology & Soils, Bedrock & Seismicity
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Hazards and Hazardous Materials
  • Hydrology
  • Land Uses and Development
  • Mineral Resources
  • Noise
  • Transportation

March 10, 2020 Letter on Prologis EIR Scoping

Notice of Preparation Scoping Prologis

The next step is for the environmental report to be completed.

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