How to register to vote in the Neighborhood Council Board election
Your vote is your voice, and you can use it to help shape the future of your community. Voter registration is officially open for Neighborhood Councils serving the Harbor Area, including Harbor Gateway North. Neighborhood Councils are a hyper-local form of government that work to ensure the City of Los Angeles is responsive to the needs, challenges, and aspirations of YOUR neighborhood.
If you live, work, rent or own property, worship, attend school, or are a vested community stakeholder in the Harbor Gateway North area, you can vote in the upcoming Neighborhood Council elections.
Neighbors need to register to vote every Neighborhood Council election cycle, so even if you voted in the 2023 Neighborhood Council elections, you need to make sure you register with the Los Angeles Office of the City Clerk to receive a vote-by-mail ballot for the Neighborhood Council elections.
Voter registration for your vote-by-mail ballot has opened and will remain open until March 17.
Register to vote in one of six ways:
1) attend our Voter Registration event on Sat. February 1 from 10 am to 2 pm at 555 W. Redondo Beach Blvd., Gardena, CA 90248 (between Figueroa Street and the 110 freeway)
2) online via the City Clerk portal: https://clerkappsele.lacity.
3) complete a paper registration form, copy your photo ID or other required documentation of your stakeholder status and mail to the City Clerk-Election Division, 555 Ramirez Street-Space 300, Los Angeles, CA 90012
4) complete a paper registration form, take a photo of your photo ID or other required documentation and email to the City Clerk at
5) complete a paper registration form, take a photo of your photo ID or other required documentation and fax to the City Clerk at 213-978-0376
6) call the City Clerk for assistance: 213-978-0444 or email or contact our office or email us for assistance: 310-768-3853
Neighborhood Council Voter Registration form – ENGLISH
Neighborhood Council Voter Registration form – SPANISH
other languages are available on the City Clerk’s Neighborhood Council Election website
More details on how to register to vote and types of documentation needed can be found here
A list of our candidates can be found here and then select Harbor Gateway North from the pull-down menu.
Four Board seats are contested. An online Candidate Forum will be held on Wed. February 12 or Thurs. February 13 at 7 pm via Zoom–more details to come. The recording of the Candidate Forum will also be posted to our website.