105 Freeway Express Lanes Transit Project
January 2022: The Final EIR/EA identifies Alternative 3 as the Preferred Alternative. Alternative 3 would convert the existing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane, from I-405 to Studebaker Road, to two (2) ExpressLanes in each direction by utilizing non-standard lane and shoulder widths, as well as widening. The two ExpressLanes, 11 feet wide each, would be separated from the general-purpose lanes by a 2-foot buffer. The general-purpose lanes would be 11 feet wide for the two (2) inside lanes, and 12 feet wide for the outside lane, except at some segments west and east of the I-105/I-110 Interchange where three (3) standard 12-foot general-purpose lanes are feasible.
105 presentation to Harbor Gateway North 1-25-22
Project Website: https://www.metroexpresslanes.net/105-expresslanes-project/